Teamwork In Human Services

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As adult learners, Learning Teams are to help people work together towards the same goal. Since it is a team of people, it gives you a variety of different discussions that can, in turn bring up other discussions broadening both yours and the teams insight and research. This is a positive way of learning in many aspects. Having team members gives you the leisure of asking questions on some things you may be unsure of. Putting five heads together is always better than one. In human services, team work will be a better environment for everyone to learn and discuss. In Human Services, communication is key. Being part of a team as far as assignments, gives you no other option but to communicate. It can help you with your interpersonal skills, i.e. discussions, input, and questions, and also open up doors on other ways to communicate easily with others. This is a good building block to improve communication skills. My practice here in team work will impact my work in the Human Services field in many ways. For instance, I want to use my degree to go into high school guidance counseling. Being a guidance counselor may not always be a team effort but in my eyes the student and myself will work as a team to make the right decisions for their future. If the student is indecisive on what he or she wants to do in their future we will, as a team, gather information, give each of our input, ask and answer each others questions, and in time find a solution (a career path). As you can see, team work can help us is other ways than online classes. It will help us with many things in our future and I feel it will make problem solving more of a learning experience on many different
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