Team Building Essay

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Team Building Worksheet TEAM B Complete the Team Building Worksheet by answering the following questions in 200 to 300 words each. 1. Describe team members’ results on the Discovery Wheel and develop your multiple Intelligences exercises. What similarities and differences exist within the team? Jamie: My discovery wheel looked just like a lollipop! My strongest points were purpose, attitude, and communication. I really feel like it was a pretty accurate analysis and my weakest was health. I really know I need to start working on my health and what I eat and how I put exercising on the back burner. I am a Kinetic learner and Visual. I learn best when I can apply what I know to my life. If I can see it I can store in my memory bank which I think is the best way to learn. This was a great eye opener! Cicely: After completing the Discovery Wheel, I was able to become more aware of my studying habits. I was already aware of some of my faults when it comes to studying. But I didn’t realize the correlation between the habits in my health in and money managing skills. I now see that by improving my studying habits is a way to better other area in life. Mario: I see a lot of similarities on how my attitude effects my time management and my ability to commit to reading. Not how that relates to other areas though. I also see how my thinking, communication, and diversity are related. They all tie into how I choose present a subject or present myself. Health and money in my opinion are objective or goal oriented tasks. I see how I lack in those areas. Derrick: I’ve done a work sheet similar to this wheel worksheet, but when doing this work sheet it helped me to realize that a lot of factors feed into my success in college, my money, and health. My health issues have been a slight issue in the past however
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