Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Assessment 1b

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21st Century Teaching and Learning Change is occurring in society at a rapid rate, therefore there is a continuous need to change education as our access to the world, technology and ultimately our career choices are changing. The term 21st century learning refers to the importance of teachers educating their students with the most relevant and up to date tools and materials. There is a need for today’s 21st century students to be taught new skills and learning material than those that were taught to previous generations. Today’s curriculum should include learning materials that are up to date and that will enable students with the skills that they will require in today’s diverse, competitive and technology driven society. While these tools and materials are readily available to students, it is important for the educator to ensure that the information that students research online is understood and not just cited word for word. The way we learn and accumulate knowledge is vastly different from how our parents were traditionally taught. Students have the opportunity to learn independently and this in turn may redefine the role of the teacher from educator to mentor. Students are no longer chained to the classroom with higher education courses being widely offered online, benefiting not only students in rural communities but also students from all around the world. There are a number of social changes, political issues, cultural and educational factors that can affect the way in which we learn and teach today; here are some key areas of how traditional education has evolved and continuously driving a need for change. Globalisation is a key factor that has and will continue to drive change in the way education is delivered and how it’s delivered. Globalisation can be defined as “…development of a single worldwide economy and culture, seen as due
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