Blended Learning Essay

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Blended Learning. In this era, the rapid growth in the use of learning technologies, such as internet and web-based communication has provided teachers and tutors with many more opportunities to explore the most suitable method of teaching and learning styles. Today, teachers face many external pressures and challenges in their daily teaching routine and in their assumed roles. Due to ICT integration in the work place, the way of teaching, apprehending knowledge and the practice of teaching and supervision has revolutionized. The teachers’ role has changed. They are required to provide information or knowledge which are more towards skill oriented and rather than based on their personal experiences. This allows the teachers to manifest their expertise by coaching, monitoring, guiding and facilitating. On the other hand, there is an assumption that ICT brings a new way of learning and teaching. In short, there has been a rapid change in present day education which has brought about innovative ways and approaches to teaching and learning. The idea of blending different learning experiences has been in existence ever since humans started thinking about teaching. The infusion of web-based technologies into the learning and teaching process has recently brought this “blending” term into limelight. This new term has created new opportunities for students to interact with their peers and with their lecturers inside and outside of the lecture room. The term blended learning is defined as a powerful teaching and learning approach that combines e-learning with a variety of other delivery methods for a better learning experience. Blended learning or also known as hybrid learning which describes the learning environment that either combines teaching methods, delivery methods, media formats or a mixture of all these. It also refers to the integrated learning activities such
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