Teacher as a Mediator

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Table of contents Title page 1. Introduction ………………… 2 2. Purpose of the essay ………………… 2 3. Background of the constructivist theory ………………… 2 4. Role of constructivism in the classroom ………………… 3 5. The role of social constructivism in teaching and learning environment … 3 6. The practice of constructivism in education ………………… 4 7. Conclusion ………………… 4 8. Reference ………………… 5 1. Purpose of the essay The following essay will focus on the discussion of the constructivist theory and its relevance in the teaching and learning environment. 2. Introduction According to M. Gail Jones Laura Brader-Araje (2000) the meaning of constructivism varies according to one's perspective and position. Within educational contexts there are philosophical meanings of constructivism, as well as personal constructivism as described by Piaget (1967), social constructivism outlined by Vygtosky (1978), radical constructivism advocated by von Glasersfeld (1995), constructivist epistemologies, and educational constructivism (Mathews, 1998). Therefore the theory is evidently dynamic and encompasses different forms of application. It is however when used for the purpose of learning intervention in the classroom that challenges in the form of translating the theory into practice are experienced. 3. Background of the constructivist theory According to Phillips (2000) constructivism as a learning theory goes back a number of decades. This many years of existence have however have not been much fruitful to a desired extent, this view is emphasised by Richardson of the University of Michigan, stating that the current interest and writing in constructivist teaching leave many issues unresolved. These issues relate, in part, to the difficulty in translating a theory of learning into a theory or practice teaching. Since

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