Interview Standards Investigation

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Interview and Standards Investigation Stan Wells Grand Canyon University: EED 465 April 21, 2013 Meredith Powers Interview and Standards Investigation State and national standards are guidelines for teachers to follow when implementing instruction in the classroom. There are teacher, student and content subject standards. Each core subject has its content and language objectives, which are outlined in the curriculum and lesson plans. One content area is Social Studies, and is broken into four goal areas. Social Studies can have a foundation of a Social Studies Teacher, a Social Studies classroom, and along with that comes the Social Studies Curriculum and a Social Studies environment in the classroom (Chapin, June. R. (2013)). What…show more content…
Each content subject has a list of criteria in which each student must learn or identify (Chapin, June. R. (2012)). Social Studies developed its core subjects within the America 2000 and the goal 2000 Education America Act. This core subjects are also within the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) as state and local district revise Social Studies. These standards need to be able to fit in all schools and some may have to be tailored, to the fact that each state is different (Rutherford, David. J., & Boehn, Richard. G. (Nov. – Dec. 2004)). Social Studies education is well defined through standards and assessments, but will the teachers be able to align with them. Even though the standards are in place, it is almost impossible to get through the whole institution process and they are also constrained by the high-stakes tests (Miso, Thomas., & Patterson, Nancy., & Dopen,…show more content…
Negotiating Standards and social Justice in the Social studies: Education Perspective, 99, 6, 255-259. Chapin, June. R. (2013). Elementary Social Studies: a Practical Guide. (8th ed.). Pearson. Erdogan, Kaya. (Spring 2012). Teacher’s opinions on the use of Social Studies classroom in Social Studies Education. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practices, 12, 2, 1015-1021. Miso, Thomas., & Patterson, Nancy., & Dopen, Frans. Policy in the way of practice: how assessment legislation is affecting social studies curriculum and instruction. Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 6, 107, 1-13. Rapport, Anatoli. A forgotten Concept: Global citizenship education and social studies standards. Journal of Social Studies Research, 33, 1 91-112. Rutherford, David. J., & Boehn, Richard. G. (Nov. – Dec. 2004). Standards Writing and Implementing in the Social Studies, 95, 6,

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