Instructional Strategy Guide: Alignment To Best Practice

2688 Words11 Pages
Instructional Strategy Guide Name: Ashley Burton Date: November 6, 2014 Draft ____ Final _X_ |Strategy Description |Alignment to Best Practice, | | |Benefits, and Application | |1. The Asset Method (pg. 232) – The purpose of this strategy is to develop a plan |1. Vaughn, Bos and Shuman (pg. 232) stated when developing social | |for social skills training to students who demonstrate difficulties in social |skills interventions, it may be important to consider the nature of | |functioning.…show more content…
Studying these examples of cue words | | |and more can promote student confident during test-taking. This | |Analyze |strategy provides a link between the cue word and meaning creating | |Break into parts and examine each part. |emphasized key vocabulary and concepts. | | | | |Apply | | |Discuss how the principles would apply to a situation | | | |

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