Tda 2.2 (3.1-3.4)

838 Words4 Pages
TDA 2.2 Safeguarding 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 Please record the possible signs and symptoms of abuse Physical - Unexplained recurrent injuries or burns - Wearing clothes to cover injuries, even in hot weather - Refusal to undress for PE - Bald patches of hair - Repeated running away - Fear of medical examinations - Aggression towards others and self - Fear of physical contact, flinching if approached or touched - Low self esteem - Anxiety Many signs of physical abuse can be confused with genuine accidental injuries. They are often not in normal places as expected though and they can hold very distinctive shapes, such as a cigarette burn, large hands or belt buckle shapes. Emotional - Delayed development - Sudden speech problems such as stammering - Low self esteem (I’m stupid, ugly etc) - Temper tantrums - Fights with peers - Bullying tactics - Destructive behaviours - Worry excessively - Withdrawn - Passive - Compliant Sexual - Nightmares - Fear of specific areas/locations - Bed wetting - Frequent unexplained health problems - Showing aggression towards family members - Engaging in sexual play with friends, toys or pets - Unexplained periods of panic – possibly linked to flash backs - Imitating sexual behaviour - Reluctance to be left alone with specific people Asking increased amount of questions around sexuality - Touching themselves excessively - Lack of trust - Being isolated of withdrawn - Regression Neglect - Constant hunger - Failure to thrive - Poor personal hygiene - Constant tiredness - Poor state of clothing - Difficulty concentrating - Difficulty learning - Poor social skills and relationships - Stealing food - Poor health - Frequent absence from school 3.3 James is three. The practitioner who works with him is concerned as he has small marks on his back that are in the shape of
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