Tda 2.1 Essay

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1.1 Research current legislation for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people including E-safety All settings working with children and young people should establish and maintain a safe environment and deal with circumstances where there are welfare concerns. Through their protection policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. Those settings which work with children and young people have an important role in the detection and prevention of abuse and neglect. There is key legislations put in place to safeguard children and young people. The table below explains what they are and how they protect children and young people. Legislation What it means The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) This treaty sets out the rights and freedoms of all children in a set of 54 articles. Included in those rights are those which ensure that children are safe and looked after. Article 19 states children’s rights to be ‘protected from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including sexual abuse by those looking after them’. Those countries which signed up to the Treaty, including the UK in 1991, are legally bound to implement legislation which supports each of the articles. Children Act 1989 Currently provides the legislative framework for child protection in England. Key principles established by the act include: • the paramount nature of the child's welfare • the expectations and requirements around duties of care to children. Children Act 2004 Strengthens the 1989 Act. Encourages partnerships between agencies and creates more accountability. Part three of the Children Act 2004 applies solely to Wales. • creates the post of Children's Commissioner for England • places a duty on local authorities to appoint a
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