Task 2: Factors Influencing Development In Children

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Unit 1 Task 2 Child Development Tracker Task Q1 Dawn Hindson 18/03/2014 Page 1 Unit 1 Task 2 Dawn Hindson Q2: Factors influencing development In children When looking at the development if children there is an exceptional pattern of development. There are 2 main influences on development which are NATURE and NURTURE. However there are a few factors that need to be considered and what their impacts on development are. Which means the usual pattern of development is not followed. These factors are: Background Health Environment Parents Parents employment Parents attitude to learning Nationality Language Pre term baby Ill health Smoking parents Height/weight Diet Catchment area School/class…show more content…
If this is the case the child could start to under achieve and decide to not concentrate as hard on their school work. Doing this may also cause the child to act out in their class and disrupt other children’s learning, as the teacher needs to take time out of the scheduled lesson to tell the child their behaviour is unacceptable. B) How a health factor may impact on a child’s social or emotional development: A health factor that may impact on a child’s social and emotional development could be their height and weight for example: If the child is either short for their age of over weight they may experience a form of bullying from their peers, have a lack of friends at home and at school. This could affect them both socially and emotionally. Socially the child could be a loner or on their own during break or lunchtimes at…show more content…
My understanding of the term TRANSITION is: This is the process or period of changing from one state or condition to anther. A) Transitions commonly experienced by most children and young people: A common transition that most children and you people experience is moving schools/college. This transition may be daunting for the child or young person as they may be leaving their best friend behind. This could be because they are going to different schools/colleges. This could also make them very anxious as it is a new environment for them. They may not know anyone in their new school/college. They could also feel really happy about it as it also gives them the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Another common transition experienced by children and young people is moving up through the school years. This could make the child feel anxious and apprehensive about meeting their new teacher, if they are in high school they may also be feeling anxious and worried about their new timetable and getting used to it. They may find the new work that they have to do a bit daunting and feel like they would not manage and the work is too hard for them. The child may also feel very happy and very grown up as they are getting a bit older and be able to do more difficult things

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