Tam Bao Temple

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A characteristic about the Tam Bao Temple that relates the building back to the temple’s original history is the roof of the building. The roof of the building is no original roof. The roof isn’t made out of your common shingles, or bricks. The material for the roof of the building had to be imported straight from Vietnam. The material is a clay from Vietnam that when heated turns solid, and turns into a red color. This shows the history of the building by displaying its old culture, and its original style of the temples back in Vietnam, where those temple styles were built in the 1980s. The style and material of the roof showed that the Tam Bao Temple was built in 1980’s, and I was able to pinpoint it to 1984 through a monastery monk. Another characteristic about the Tam Bao Temple that ties the building to its background is the swastikas around the temple. They aren’t the swastikas of war, but they are actually the swastikas of peace. The Tam Bao Temple is a building built around finding inner peace and nirvana. This shows the teaching of the Buddhist religion, because there are giant statues of the different forms of Buddha, and around these statues you can at least find a minimum of 4 swastikas. The swastikas are there to try to emphasize Buddha’s teachings of peace, and not war. The swastika symbol has been used throughout history, and it can be traced back 3000 years back to the Egyptians, but was used in the Buddhist religion in the 6th century, so it shows that the background of the building is based off a religion all the way from the 6th century. The photographs of the dead members of the Tam Bao Temple are an efficient way to track the building back to its history. They keep photographs of every member that has passed away on display. On the photographs it dates back to its every first member that passed away, all the back in 1986, Hon Nghia, he

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