Systemic Lupus Erythematosis

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Immune System Disorders Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) Lupus is a disease that leads to long-term inflammation of the particular tissue. It is an autoimmune system disorder in which the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. It can damage healthy tissue of the skin, joint, kidneys, brain, and other organs. It’s underlying cause is not fully known but may also be caused by certain drugs. SLE is more common in women than men and can occur at any age but often most seen in people ages 10-50. African Americans and Asians are more affected than people from other races. Symptoms vary and may come and go. Usually everyone experiences join pain and swelling. Some development of arthritis of the fingers, hands, wrists, or knees is also common. The most common visible sign of SLE is the “butterfly” skin rash across the bridge of the nose. Other symptoms are chest pain, fatigue, hair loss, fever without a cause, mouth sores, sensitivity, and swollen lymph nodes. Lupus can also affect other body systems. Depending on what system is affected results in the symptoms associated with it. Brain and nervous system has symptoms of headaches, numbness, tingling, seizures, vision problems, personality changes. The Digestive tract includes…show more content…
You will receive a physical exam and a nervous system exam. Tests used to diagnose are an antibody test, CBC, Chest X-ray, kidney biopsy, or urinalysis. There is no cure but the main goal is control the symptoms. Forms of treatment include NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Corticosteroid creams for rash or Antimalaria drug and low-dose corticosteroids for skin and arthritis symptoms. In severe cases high dose corticosteroids or cytotoxic drugs may be ordered. Taking care of yourself if you have Lupus is important. You should wear protective clothing, wear Sunscreen, get preventive heart care, stay up to date with immunizations, and have tests to screen for

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