Synthesis Paper - Native Americans

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Perhaps the longest ongoing debate involving our country is the one concerning the conflict between the European settlers and the Indians, in the seventeenth century. Today we ask the question, what does it mean to be a Native American? Or to go further, how are we to understand the concept of “otherness”? To answer these questions, I found two different articles to get a better understanding myself. After reading an article by a Native American and an article by a non-Native American, I’ve come to the personal conclusion that being Native American is almost the same as being from a native country with a different culture. The only difference is that they don’t come from another country, only a different culture. The question of understanding “otherness” is something that all people have struggled with for hundreds of years. The only way to understand “otherness” is to understand that everyone is different and we need to accept these differences. To reach these conclusions, I read the two different articles and viewed some advocacy advertisements sponsored by the American Indian College Fund. The first article I read was one written by a non-Native American. It was called “Indians”: Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History, written by Jane Tompkins. The article focuses on the problem of how different historians portray Native Americans. It also addresses the challenge post structuralism poses to the study of history. Post structuralism is a critical theory that denies any truth can be directly understood and stated clearly. Tompkins speculates, and I agree, that Indians’ perceptions of events differed so radically from those of European settlers’ that “conflict was inevitable”. That statement explains why this is such an ongoing debate. The second article I read was written by a Native American named, Sherman Alexie. The article was titled, “The Lone
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