Supporting Children and Young Peoples Health and Safety

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Supporting children and young people’s health and safety Outcome 1 When planning activities for both indoor and outdoor environments there are many factors that need to be considered. The age and ability of the children – It is important to take the age and ability of the children into account as different ages will range in their levels of ability to take part in and complete certain tasks i.e. a 2 year old child will enjoy painting, but not be able to paint anything in particular or have the concentration to stick at the activity for very long whereas a 6 year old, if set a task, would be able to paint a picture of something, you should be able to tell what it is just by looking at it as well as being more likely to complete the task as they have a higher level of concentration. The equipment and activity is age appropriate – It is important to make sure that the equipment and activity are age appropriate as it can be a risk to their health and safety i.e. you wouldn’t do a Lego activity with a baby as they would want to put the small bits into their mouths and this is a choking hazard. Whether a child has specific needs such as sensory impairments – It is important to cater for each individual child’s needs i.e. if a child has a sensory impairment such as visual impairment or blindness, a musical activity may benefit them as they can listen to the beat and take part in creating different sounds via different instruments. Is it safe? Has a risk assessment been conducted? – It is important that any activity has undergone a risk assessment i.e. if creating an obstacle course for a child to take part in either indoors or outdoors you will need to make sure that all obstacles are safe, no sharp bits sticking out where a child could harm themselves, no faulty equipment is used and all is appropriate for the age group taking part. Are policies and
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