Cyda 3.3 1.1

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1.1 Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services. We have to remember that we have a duty of care in our setting. We need to take into account Health and Safety of the environment, child’s age and the child’s ability, also any social factors such as race and religion also SEN should be taken into consideration. 1.2 Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. In my work setting we have set guidance in Health and Safety Procedure book. Main points are: - Sign in/out every time we entering/leaving the building - Keep electronic diary up to date so work…show more content…
Children learn by trying out new experiences and making choices. But they do not have the skills and judgement always to make safe choices. Carers have the responsibility to I identify potential hazards in any situation and to judge when it is safe to allow a child to undertake an activity or make choice. Some children needs their freedom to explore risk even more then others. For example a disabled child may be restricted in play at home because of parental concern that the child could hurt themselves. In a well-controlled setting the child can be encouraged to explore and try out new skills. Children are usually very good at deciding what is safe or not. Using large play equipment is a good example of how children asses and manage risks. In the outdoor area in Foundation Stage there is a climbing wall where I believe that the children should use with caution but also given the chance to decide whatever they can get over without hurting themselves or not, thus they are assessing and managing their own risk. This is a choice that they should make themselves, if they are not happy they will get down. However parents and carers who are being over cautious about children may stop a child trying new things
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