Support Individuals to Eat and Drink

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It is a basic human right that an individual has choices in life. This applies to all aspects of living, especially food. Firstly we should gather all information about the individual: such as allergies, medical conditions that can affect nutrition such as diabetes or soft dietary needs. Guidance can be received from GP’s, Speech and language therapists and other professionals, or information from relatives/friends. All of which will be included in care plans. Then we look into preferences, is he/she a vegetarian, religious (no meat on Fridays, or halal/kosher only), need thickened fluids, low fat/fortified foods etc. Once these concerns for each individual are identified we can begin to create choices. It is vital that choices are given and made independently; support and assistance will be given of needed. For example dishes can be shown to a resident to help them make a choice. It is important to encourage an individual to eat a well-balanced diet and make choices for themselves. As well as supporting we should promote and maintain independence as often as possible. We also must actively support the resident to do as much as they can independently and encourage maximising their own potential: For example if they spill a drink pass them a paper towel and let them help clean it up by themselves. To resolve any difficulties we should give choices and let them decide, given more details about the food to help them choose and information needed. Explain to the individual the importance of a healthy diet and why it benefits them, and support them to choose the best option for them and why each dish has it pros and cons. For example – should they be choosing high calorific content or fibrous. Equipment provident should suit each individual’s needs, large handled cups for those who have problem gripping items (arthritis/gout), weighted cutlery, plate
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