Support Independence in the Tasks of Daily Living

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UNIT HSC 2007 SUPPORT INDEPENDENCE IN THE TASKS OF DAILY LIVING Activity 1 Documents about assistive devices available to enable people to retain their independence Assistive technology has enabled many people to retain independence where in the past they would have been dependent on others. Assistive technology includes a range of equipment that supports active participation in promoting and maintaining independence – for example, reminder messages for people with dementia or medication aids such as Dosette boxes. Assistive technology can help a person stay in their own home rather than have to consider residential care. Fingerprint entry systems, which can make keys not necessary (eliminating the issue of lost keys), andspecial mobile phones designed for easy use, which can be used to call support centres, enable the person to participate actively in retaining their own independence. Providing appropriate assistive devices enables people to be less dependent on others and helps them to retain a sense of control over their life. e.g Some examples of assistive technologies are 1: * People with physical disabilities that affect movement can use mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices, to enhance their mobility. * Hearing aids can improve hearing ability in persons with hearing problems. * Cognitive assistance, including computer or electrical assistive devices, can help people function following brain injury. * Computer software and hardware, such as voice recognition programs, screen readers, and screen enlargement applications, help people with mobility and sensory impairments use computer technology. * In the classroom and elsewhere, assistive devices, such as automatic page-turners, book holders, and adapted pencil grips, allow learners with disabilities to
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