Superpowers Geography Essay

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Kingsdale Foundation School Exam Question| (a)|Explain how the two models shown reflect changing patterns of superpower status. (10 marks)|| (b)|Assess the role of trade and international organisations in maintaining superpower status. (15 marks)|| Total: 25 marks| Source| Figure 1: Maps of contrasting models of wealth and power| Mark scheme| (a)|What to put in your answer    • Make sure you refer to both maps in a balanced way.    • Your answer should focus on changing patterns over time.    • The North–South divide dates from the 1970s/1980s and represents a polarised view of the world.    • A North–South world has power concentrated in North America, Europe and Russia; Cold War bi-polar world order.    • The entire ‘South’ as viewed is all at a similar level of development.    • Wallerstein’s model divides the world into core, semi-periphery and periphery.    • World systems theory includes growing NICs, but still tied to the core.    • Map B is closer to today’s reality than Map A, as the emerging superpowers/BRICs can be identified in Map B but not on Map A.Level 3|8–10 marks|Good understanding and balanced comments for both maps. Explanations are related to theory and changing superpower status. Explanations are always clear. Geographical terminology is used with accuracy. Written language errors are rare.|Level 2|5–7 marks|Some understanding of theory and mentions both maps; some details and explanations related to superpower status. Explanations are clear, but there are areas of less clarity. Lacks full range. Geographical terminology is used with some accuracy. There are some written language errors.|Level 1|1–4 marks|Some basic ideas. Largely descriptive and unbalanced with emphasis on one map. Limited understanding of theory. Explanations are oversimplified and lack clarity. Geographical terminology is rarely

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