Sunday Reflection Essay

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Sunday Reflection Jos 24:1-2, 15-18 / Ps 34:2-3, 16-23 Eph 5:21-32/ Jn 6:60-69 August 26, 2012 Loyalty is demanding. Husbands and wives test their vows of loyalty in moments of tension; the best of friends are tempted to gossip in moments of envy; members of the parish are committed to unity yet fall into division over issues of minor importance. Today’s reading show that loyalty is a virtue that cannot be taken for granted. The final chapter of Joshua is the hero’s farewell speech to his people – a speech that describes covenant making. Settled in the Promised Land, the tribes of Israel must now decide to whom they will pledge their loyalty. To reawaken the audience’s sense of loyalty, the author has Joshua recount Yahweh’s wholehearted concern for Israel during the Exodus, the journey in the desert and the conquest. Yahweh is the only choice; to be Israelite is to be faithful. The author of Ephesians addresses the duties of a Christian household by listing each member’s obligations. Loyalty is the underlying quality that motivates love. This virtue is a power to support the other with one’s whole heart. This is a covenant relationship requiring total self-giving. The author of John records the mixed reactions of Jesus’ audience to the Bread of Life discourse. Many refuse to take Jesus seriously. Because they are unwilling to believe that he is the bread come down from heaven, they revoke their loyalty. The second reaction is that of the Twelve. Peter calls Jesus both Lord and God’s holy one. This answer in faith is the apostle’s response to Jesus’ poignant question: “Do you want to leave me too?” – John Craghan, Th.D.,S.S.L. Sunday Reflection Jos 24:1-2, 15-18 / Ps 34:2-3, 16-23 Eph 5:21-32/ Jn 6:60-69 August 26, 2012 Today’s Gospel is all about loyalty and faith. Being loyal is staying true to God, a person or being honest as
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