Summary Of Bruce Dawes 'Homo Suburbiensis'

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Bruce Dawes ‘Homo Suburbiensis’ conveys a strict contradiction between nature and the suburban lifestyle. A man alone acting as one constant against a changing world representing a need to escape to nature to regain his natural essence. There is a sense of honesty and somber in the tone; this is illustrated by the use of visual imagery throughout the poem, depicting a series of unpleasant sensory experiences, which come from the unwanted interference's’ in life. The poem is narrative in its free verse, portraying the worlds natural cycle. Dawe has created the title ‘Homo Suburbiensis’ which is like a parody of scientific classification, as it sounds like the term’ Homosapien’ which refers to a modernized man who dwells in the suburbs. Bruce Dawe leads the readers to believe that…show more content…
Dawe presents us of a paradoxical image of a man against the world. This man retreats to “his patch of vegetables”; it parallels to the Garden of Eden for it is seen as this man’s paradise. It is a place of meditation and reflection for it says “all the things he takes down with him”. The word ‘things’ refers to his thoughts. The garden is also a temptation, as the word ‘his’ shows that it’s the man’s possession, it’s his territory which he tries to control. Dawe describes the man’s garden like the “the hoarse rasping tendrils of pumpkin flourish”, which represents a visual imagery of nature growing wildly across the land, yet it is also a metaphor used to describe the man’s thoughts; which are running freely through his mind and come randomly without any form of structure for they are like the ‘clumsy whips of the foliage sprawls’. Bruce moves on to show that the pumpkin grows “Over the compost-box, poising rampant upon the palings”. The compost bin is a manmade object, for a process which can be done naturally if left alone, Dawe exemplifies the temptation which man fall under. The thought that
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