Summarise the Key Aspects of Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Practise Relating to Your Role and Responsibilities as a Teacher. the Regulatory Requirement and Codes of Practice That Are Used in My Field

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Brendon Abrahams unit 001 question 1 Date 25/07/2013 Summarise the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practise relating to your role and responsibilities as a teacher. The regulatory requirement and codes of practice that are used in my field are: The Data protection act 1998 states: An act to make new provision of the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals including, obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. [Online] One part of the act is Sensitive Personal data act * The racial or ethnic origin of the data subject * Political opinions * Religious believe or other believes * Persons mental or physical conditions The Equality act 2010. In the equality act is the protected characteristics these are * Age * Disabilities: A person has a physical or mental impairment which has sustainable long term effect on the persons abilities to carry out every day activities * Marriage and civil partnership * Race * Gender reassignments * Religion or believe: religion means any religion or reference to religion or lack of religion. Believe means any believe or philosophical believe or lack of believe * Sex * Sexual orientation IPAF code of conduct states as a member of IPAF that you not misrepresent fact or mislead customers or suppliers and the same will the product and services that are provided by IPAF. Only products that conform to industry standards and are relevant to its business be marketed. All employers, trainers, agents get the right training to do their job role. By accepting there code of conduct you are committed professionalism and rising standards in the industry [online] Reference:

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