Study Of Church Members During Times Of Crisis

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A Study of Church Members during Times of Crisis JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW 3/24/2012 Table of Contents Summary 2 Interaction 3 Application 5 Works Cited 6 Summary The article “A Study of Church of Members During Times Of Crisis” is written in efforts to review how religion effect peoples live as they go through crisis. The article states as it opens that all people experience crisis at some point in their lives. It is my opinion that the articles begins very well by first defining what a crisis is. A crisis described in the article is view as on internal response to an external event. The article gives the reader a very well defined understanding of the steps leading to a crisis and possible step to take to prevent a crisis from happening. The article continues to give valid pathways of understanding on how crisis affect different people in different ways. The section on social support in coping with crisis gives a great view point on how social support may assist in the time of crisis. The article informs the reader that there are two types of roles that social support plays in the lives of individuals. One of the roles is self-concept and the other is stress buffer. These two roles determine how social support aid in the time of crisis. The next section in the article was role of religion in coping. This section of the article gives the reader a better understanding of how religion helps a person to cope in crisis. One thing really important in this section is the “vulnerability factor.” It names almost defines itself. Religion offers a line of defense. This defense helps a person to defend against stress, or stressful situation. With religion in place depending on how a person accepts religion and how they feel about their local religious support system. Religion can prevent the crisis from ever happening. This section even point out that there
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