Students in secondary schools should be encouraged to work part-time

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Parents and schools are against the idea of secondary school students working part-time because they are afraid that their studies will be neglected. They fear that these students may even drop out of school when they cannot cope with school and work. However, this is not the case. Firstly, not working part-time has not stopped many students from neglecting their studies. They are lured by video arcades and Internet cafes or are either preoccupied with computer games or television. There are many others who just loaf around. The crux of the matter is that these students have too much free time on their hands or at least they think that they do. So, they just fritter away their time. On the other hand, if they were to work part-time, such distractions would be reduced. They will come to realise that time is scarce and has to be split between school and work. Therefore, by encouraging students to work part-time, we are moving students off the streets and making them contribute positively to society. Secondly, students who work and study are not cloistered as they are exposed to the real world. Moreover, these students acquire something more important than money. They gain job experience and skills that will help them in life. Students who work in fast food outlets learn to deal with people, especially demanding customers. Students who work as tutors and sale assistants learn communication skills. As a whole, they learn early the importance of self-discipline and the need to manage their time properly. They definitely learn to deal with stress and pressure. Although the intention of students who work part-time is to have more money to spend on themselves, the lessons they really learn are invaluable and cannot be obtained from textbooks. They learn to appreciate the value of money, and realise that it does not grow on trees. As it is, money
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