Student's Behaviour in School

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Students’ behaviour in school According to Doyle (1986, p. 397) managing student’s behaviours are “actions and strategies teachers use to solve the problem of order in classrooms.” Research has also indicated that classroom organization and behavioural management influence the duration of student’s concentration span. Teachers who lack behavioural management and classroom control often end up with higher level of stress. Therefore, effective teachers should invigorate regulations, procedures, and routines to set a positive learning atmosphere and guarantee effective lessons by establishing a rewarding system. Stronge (2002, p. 77) states that “positive and negative behaviours exhibited by teachers determine, to a great extent, their effectiveness in the classroom and, ultimately, the impact they have on student achievement.” Human nature indicates that a person cannot control or predict other people’s behaviours, but can only control and predict his own. “Diagnosis of behaviour problems is sometimes very difficult, and occasionally impossible” (Petty 2004, p. 108). Effective teachers should be able to influence and manage student’s behaviours. Negativity determined by teachers dominates a class often you will find that students retaliate by becoming more antagonistic and loud during lessons. Student’s negative behaviours are usually for a reason, such as, attention seeking, gaining popularity, or peer approval. In this case teachers should not take poor behaviours personally and retaliate; instead they should model the behaviour expected to get; look to find solutions professionally; manage emotions; focus on positive attitudes; and give students choices to control their behaviours. A teacher should not criticise the student as a person, but should criticise the behaviour. For example, during one of my lessons a student called another student‘stupid’, in
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