Stereotypes Of Autism Essay

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“Retard, Dangerous, Seizures, Speechless and Incapable of Love”, there’s more to Autism than cruel, false stereotypes. Did you know that some children diagnosed with Autism are equally capable as any other child of being verbal, bright, energetic, and just as normal as you and I? My younger brother has a mental disability called Fragile X and even though he does not have the physical characteristics most people associate with Autism and Down Syndrome, he does face challenges everyday due to stereotypes that make others believe he is incapable of doing daily tasks that we all take for granted. You may believe you understand Autism, due to the fact that you know what it “looks like”, but you do not. Autism does not have to affect physical characteristics. According to the Monarch Center for Autism, “approximately 20% of autistic children exhibit normal development” ("Monarch Center for Autism"). This means that out of every five autistic…show more content…
They can surprise you and even outshine you. They surpass expectations and face stereotypical challenges daily. And although many stereotypes perceive them to “Retarded, Dangerous, Seizures, Speechless and Incapable of Love” they are everything but these things. On a daily basis these children overcome bullying and discrimination against their physical characteristics. They truly are amazing, loving, and intelligent; I know this from experience as I watch my younger brother grow up and deal with the stereotypes as well as prove them wrong. Works Cited " Autism Resource Center: About Autism: Facts."Monarch Center for Autism. N.p., 2009. Web. 8 Oct 2012. "Autism." The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders. Ed. Stacey L. Blachford. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. Glazer, Sarah. "Increase in Autism: Is there an epidemic or just better diagnosis?." C Q Researcher. 13.13 (2012): n. page. Web. 8 Oct.

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