Steelcase, Inc Analysis

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“Steelcase, Inc.” analysis Grueber is the director of investor relations. Therefore, Grueber should report to the stakeholders. I believe it is because Grueber was hired as part of Steelcase’s effort to readdress its corporate communication to investors. When Grueber was hired the company “lacked a clear conduit for IR staff to respond to the concerns of its shareholders” (Argenti p218). Grueber main responsibility was to communicate the company’s information to the investors; action that was not performed well after the company went public on February 18, 1998. Grueber is the new leader of the IR department. “A leader guides others to explore and discover new things. This is done by touching on many of the concepts covered in these essays and in my book: getting people to be curious and ask questions; getting them to review results skeptically; getting them to think inno- vatively and not along the well-trodden paths that others have already followed; getting them to operate without disciplinary or interpersonal barriers; getting them to be thorough and meticulous; and getting them to aim as one while thinking as many” (Fetzer 2005) I believe Grueber should have asked for more communication between management and their constituencies. The Company were not used to sharing their strategic vision with public. However, after they went public that mentality had to change. Grueber needed to rebuild a good relationship with investors and so, it will improve the perception others had of the company. Also, the company would have benefit from a survey designed to analyze the citizens’ perception of the company. It is very important to know what others think about the company so they can improve their communication and product. At first, the company had only between 5–8 percent of the shares public. “Investors did not flock to Steelcase shares” (Argenti p.218). Several

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