Stargirl by: Jerry Spinelli

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Stargirl is a novel about an emotional tale of popularity and the inspiration of first love. She is very unique, outrageous, and very surprising. When she first arrived at Mica High, everyone was talking about her. The students were fascinated, at first. All of a sudden, they turn on her. Almost the whole school shunned her because she is different. Jerry Spinelli leaves you curious at the end of each chapter, wanting to read more. Susan Caraway, which is her real name, is unique in her own way. Students like Hillari Kimble don’t think she’s real, even though she is, she’s just not normal. For an example, her first day at Mica High, she showed up wearing an off-white dress so long it covered her shoes, a ukulele strapped across her back, and carried a large canvas bag with a life-size sunflower painted on it. She also carried her pet rat, Cinnamon, in her bag. At lunch she plays her ukulele and starts singing, and whenever it’s someone’s birthday, she sings to them. She leaves gifts or cards for people by an anonymous name. Stargirl finds out what’s going on and then she knows what to get them like a get well card, or a birthday card. Leo Borolock moved to Mica, Arizona when he was twelve years old and before he left Pennsylvania, his uncle Pete gave him a porcupine necktie. A few days later after his fourteenth birthday, he came home from school and found a plastic bag on his front porch. When he opened it up, it was a porcupine necktie. Stargirl is outrageous because one time she showed up at halftime during a football game. She was running around on the field twirling and doing cart wheels. When halftime was over, she was still on the field fooling around. She even took the football and started running around with it. Finally the referee got the football and told her she had to get off the field. After all of that, the crowd was very amused by her performance.

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