Starbucks Marketing Strategy

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Starbucks Marketing Strategy Starbucks has been backed by a strong financial performance which gives it an edge in terms of marketing. Starbucks, with strength in specialty coffee, has been innovating based on consumer requirements. The target segment includes: 1) Premium coffee drinkers – this is an evolved segment, is more urban. Either they have been coffee drinkers for some time, or else they have been taken through the cycle of coffee drinking adoption by companies like Starbucks. These are consumers who want to spend time between office and home to grab some time for themselves. Such a scenario is common in urbanized towns. 2) Covering all age segments – Starbucks offerings cover the entire ‘teen-adult’ of age range, and offerings are there for everyone. 3) Tie ups – their strategic tie ups with Pepsi and other chains inside campuses gives them both reach and presence is markets which do not have competition. Their tie up with Pepsi ensures that their products are placed in supermarkets, and hence can be bought over the counter for later consumption, and their presence is college campuses ensure that they build consumers for premium coffee consumption. 4) Their focus is on offering ‘service’ to the consumer through their products. With educated aand young baristas, they ensure that the consumer is offered both tips and the product together. 5) Stores – their stores are elegant, and are located at prime places (even though they are not very much bothered about the space). 6) Happy employees – they have ensured that the baristas are taken care of by offering them higher salaries than competition, taking care of their medical needs and even offering them esops. 7) Starbucks branded ice creams are also sold through grocery stores. 8) Expect More Than Coffee is their motto – they offer premium teas, pastries and other food items. 9) Neighborhood

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