Starbucks Fair Trade

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Fair trade is a trade movement that seeks greater justness in international trade. Its main goal is to provide safety and healthy working conditions for the workers and farmers for better trading conditions. Today, Fair Trade is a global effort. Consumers around the world can up lift the developing countries and support environmental sustainability through the fair trade process. The most important handicraft that is exported from developing countries to developed countries is coffee. Therefore, the fair trade coffee means that the small coffee farmers are guaranteed a living wage for their labor, and promotes that no farmed is enslaved in the use of production of that coffee. However, It allows producers to invest in their farms and communities abroad and lets farmers compete in the global marketplace. Furthermore, “fair trade ensures that at the very least 25 to 30 percent of the net profits go back to the artisans themselves, after peripheral costs such as shipping for exports have been factored in. In spite of the growing popularity of this alternative trade movement, “fair Trade goods only account for about .01 percent of $3.6 trillion of all globally exchanged products.” An example of a company in which it purchases fair trade coffee is Starbucks. This academic essay looks and argues at the both sides of whether Starbucks promotes Fair trade, buys and serves high quality, responsibly grown, ethically traded coffee, and supports the farmers sustainability. Fair trade first started on 1940s following World War II. It was first originated as a charity movement by religious organizations in United States, what is now "Ten Thousand Villages”, which reached out to poor communities to help them sell their handicrafts to prosperous markets. Moreover, the first fair trader is Edna Ruth Byler who was a volunteer for Mennonite Central Committee. She visited sewing

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