Spoiled Child Essay

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9-17-2013 1. "Spoiled" can be interrupted in many different ways. It can be interrupted on how it was used or the way it is phased. It can also be used as a metaphor, to give attention to how a baby, toddler, child is acting. When using the phrase "Grandma can spoil my baby anytime," can mean Grandma spends a lot of time or money on the baby. When using the phrase for older children, the grandparent may go out of their way to see that the children get whatever they want. Another example can be to give them treats, such as ice cream right before bed time or let them stay up way past their normal bed time routine. A grandparent allowing children to do things that they are normally not allowed to do can leave the kids to favor them. When labeling the baby as “good” might be as simple as saying my baby never cries. A very good baby in my opinion is a baby that doesn’t need me every second of the day. It would be referring to all things that are not negative. 2. It appears that Elena’s priorities are focused on getting the girls out and seeing the world, but her values are a little leaning towards letting them see things but they can’t touch. I believe what they are learning from Elena is that they have limitations in the world. But then on another “note” it could be reversed and it could have the kids believing they are not worthy to play with kids who get dirty. Even though in their eyes the other kids look like they are having lots of fun. They are learning that they can observe through sight but not touch. Children who don’t engage in play and hands on will never learn the true meaning of interacting with nature and the surroundings around them. They will miss out on the socializing between friends and the boundaries of what they can and can’t do. 3. I don’t understand why they would want to teach their employees not to interact with the babies.
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