Spiritual Gifts Essay

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Spiritual Gifts Paper PART ONE: What are your top two spiritual gifts? Do you agree with the results? Why or why not? Why or why not? My number one spiritual gift is shepperd and the second is a tie of two: administration and evangelization. I agree with the results and even though it is not the first time that someone mentions these particular gifts, it was very encouraging results. I also agree because I have served at my former local church using the gifts of evangelization and administration. My husband and I directed a TV and radio evangelistic campaign. PART TWO: Specifically, how can you use your gifts at this time? How might you misuse your gifts? Be specific. I believe I can serve at my new church Hope Ministry. Hope Ministry is an evangelistic effort that consists on collecting and organizing clothes for the needed and once a week is open for people to come and collect. The volunteers get 30 minutes to share the gospel with them prior to them collecting. I currently volunteer in the clothing area but I would also like to participate in the evangelistic part of this effort to establish a formal work plan that would include follow up on the new converts and their families for example, visitations, invitations to the worship service. Women can’t teach the word to a coed group in my church and they can only be leaders of women, this is something I need to keep in mind. I tend to naturally take lead and run with projects successfully, my gift of administration allows me to do this and do a good job. I have to remember that I can bring ideas and be part of the team but most likely my husband who works there now will lead the project again. The evangelism gift is precious but I have to remember to be patient and not rush people into making a decision about Jesus, but to show them how worthy He is, His love for them. PART THREE: What were

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