Southern Italian Migration

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This article is about people from southern Italy are migrating to the north and other regions of the world. Southern Italy is located at the bottom of Italy, where it is surrounded by water. The key cities in Southern Italy are; Naples, Bari, Messina, Lecce and Palermo they are all very rural with lots of grass and trees. The physical geography of southern Italy is very mountainous with the Apennines and other various mountain ranges, there are a few volcanoes some of which are dormant, some are active and some are extinct. Some major volcanoes in Italy and Sicily are called Mount Etna, Mount Stromboli and Mount Vesuvius. A push factor making people leave southern Italy would be the infant mortality rate , if you were pregnant you would want to go to a hospital in the south, where there is better medical care. Another key push factor is that there are more jobs in the south with the industrial triangle (Milan, Genoa and Turin). People are also leaving so that they can get a better education, so that they can get better jobs and more money. Gazzeta Della Milano A physical geography of Northern Italy would be that it is very flat and is very easy to build on that’s why the industrial triangle is built on it, but in the north there is a range of mountains called the Alps. Some key cities in Northern Italy are Milan, Genoa, Turin and Venice, which are all very urban with a lot of transport links and factories. A pull factor attracting people to Northern Italy would be that the medical care is very good and well funded. Another pull factor is that there is a better education system in the North. People are also going to northern Italy as there are more well-paid jobs. Southern Italians migrate to other places such as the U.S.A, Australia and Germany. In conclusion I think in the future the South of Italy will become richer and will have a few more
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