Source Code Film Analysis

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Film Studies 1800: Introduction to Film Studies Lesson 1 I went to see the film “Source Code” on Friday, April 15th 2011. I went with a friend to see the film at Hollywood Theaters here in Columbia, MO. 1. For myself, as a movie-goer, I enjoy just about any the films that a typical young male would enjoy. I like action, comedy, and adventures are the main type of movies that I enjoy. I am also an avid sports fan, and I mostly enjoy football and basketball, so any film that gets good reviews that are based on either of the sports are films that I am sure to see. My father would always take me to films when I was younger, and we both have the same taste in films as usual. I always enjoy heroics in film from any action or adventure type of movie since I always like to try to put myself in their shoes in my imagination. Those are the main types of movies that I enjoy, but I also like comedy movies for some laughs with friends. I love great comedy’s where we reuse quotes in the movie and apply them to our every day lives to relive the comedy in the films. I also enjoy some horror movies and other type of films of that nature as long as they actually happened. I do not enjoy imaginative and impossible things that could never happen in the real world, only things that are at least realistic or really did happen. Same thing for action or adventure movies, I do not like movies where there is some person who appears rather weak, but is still able to beat up hundreds of well trained soldiers. Lastly, the movies that I perhaps most enjoy are movies that make you think and wonder what is happening and going on as the film moves on. So movies with very good twists that you do not see coming are usually pretty enjoyable for me as a viewer. At first when I saw the previews for the movie I did not think much of it. First of all, I am not a big Jake Gyllenhaal

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