Songs That Relate To Hamlet Horatio And Laertes

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This song relates to Hamlet in the following trends these different people; Ophelia, The ghost and Laertes: It starts off with a swift mournful sounding tune, which would emulate the ghost when Barnardo tells the story to Horatio and Marcellus. He begins his memoir by saying that the previous night, the star to the west of the North Star had traveled across the night sky to the point where it was shining currently, at one o'clock, then Barnardo gets cut off by Marcellus telling him to be quiet that he had seen it again. After this occurrence when they had seen the apparition, Barnardo says he looked just like the king, and looks to Horatio who is terrified by the similarity. Barnardo then tells them that the ghost wants them to speak to it and Marcellus tells him to talk to it. The correspondence from this scene and the story is where the beat of the music sounds sad, melancholy, unnerving, and mysterious.…show more content…
Which I could see the song playing in the background while Laertes returns from France to discover his fathers death and his sisters ill madness. Ophelia supposively thinks she gives him herbs and flowers when they’re actually weeds. Then shortly after Claudius appears and convinces Laertes that Hamlet is solely the one for the kings death and later on finds out that Hamlet is still alive. When I think of death I think of creepy and eerie music which also resonates or resounds the song of Hamlet. The word had gotten back to England that pirates had raided the ship and that he was returned to Denmark. Then Claudius swiftly concocts a plot to kill his nephew, which the song could reflect upon also, so the whole story could imitate its narrative part through the song of Hamlet pretty intensely and

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