Solar System Essay

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UNIT 1 THE SOLAR SYSTEM Picture of solar system After learning this chapter, you will be able to: * identify the components of the solar system. * describe the movement of the Moon around the Earth. * identify the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and the Earth in the solar system. * distinguish between luminous and non-luminous bodies. * explain the concept of satellite. * list some uses of artificial satellites. Lesson 1 Components of Solar System Curiosity Questions! 1. What are planets? 2. What is a sun? 3. Do other planets have life? | Activity 1 1. Your class teacher will show you the model and picture of the solar system. 2. What do you see in the middle of the solar system? 3. Identify on which position our earth is located in the solar system? 4. Which shiny objects do we observe at night? 5. Discuss about solar system with your class-teacher. Introduction We live on ‘Earth’ which is a planet. When we look at the sky from our earth, we can see the sun, the moon and lots of twinkling stars. Our Solar System is made up of eight planets, their moons, and our sun. The planets and their moons move around the sun. The path of planets around the sun is known as orbit. The orbits are not round. They are elliptical. Elliptical means egg-shaped. Components of Solar system Sun: The Sun sits in the centre of the solar system. The Sun is a star and not a planet. Our Sun is just like the stars we see in the night sky. The Sun is also the only star which we see during the daytime. It is made up of gases known as hydrogen and helium. It is always burning and is very hot. The energy from the sun is known as solar energy which gives light and heat to all the planets of the solar system. The closer a planet is to the sun, the more light and heat it gets. Picture of sun Planets:

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