Astronomy Chapter 11 Summary

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Astronomy 10 Chapter 11 1. Both used to be normal stars but the white dwarf ran out of hydrogen, they are both subjected to gravitational theories. A Neutron star is a fluid of neutrons, as hot at its surface as the inside of the sun and has a greater magnetic field. 3. Because its density is so high, neutrons spin in the same way that electrons do so must obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle. 6. A pulsar does not pulse, it emits beams of radiation that sweep around the sky as the neutron star rotates, and astronomers detect pulses when they sweep over the Earth. 11. Sometimes in binary systems, mass flows into a hot accretion disk around the neutron star and causes the emission of x rays. 14. Astronomers have found compacted objects…show more content…
Cepheid variable stars have masses much larger than our Sun; the more massive stars are more luminous and have more extended envelopes 10. The stars near the centers of galaxies are orbiting at high velocities, which mean that there is the presence of super-massive black holes in the centers of most galaxies. 11. Large galaxies can absorb smaller galaxies called galactic cannibalism. Chapter 14 1. Radio galaxies have sources of unusually strong radio waves emitted on either side of the galaxy and active galaxies are spirals with small, highly luminous cores like Seyfert galaxies, they also have nuclei that are produced by matter plunging into super-massive black holes. 6. By observing the velocity of the stars that orbit the black hole or by the rotational speed of its accretion disk. 10. They have very high redshifts and they can change their brightness quickly which indicates that they are very small. 15. The spectral lines are shifted out of the visible spectrum because they are very tiny. Chapter…show more content…
The spacetime geometry of the Universe which drastically restricts the set of cosmological models compatible with general relativity, the mass and flatness 4. The Hubble Law which states that the universe is always expanding. Flat model universes are infinite and expand forever and modern observation shows that the universe is flat. The expanding universe must have begun from the moment of extreme conditions where the matter and energy of the universe compressed into a high-density, high-temperature

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