Solar Nebula Contraction

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Solar Nebula Contraction- heats up due to collision, flattens into an elliptical plane, spins faster due to angular ,momentum. Planet Formation: stage 1- a nebula is formed that attracts clumps of dust and gas that grows larger and attracts bigger objects (known as accretion). Stage 2- planetsimals are objects the size of moons that have strong enough gravitation to affect nearby moons, which cause larger bodies to collide and make protoplanets and protoson which are the planets that and now evolved today in our solar system. Stage 3- jovian planets form by two ideas- 1. 4 outer planets become large enough to accrete dust and gas forming gas giants or 2.. instabilities in the cooler region of solar system cause a collapse of initial interstellar cloud. Random: Kuiper Belt lie beyond Neptune, close to ecliptic, also where most comets(originate from oort cloud) orbit. denser planets are closer to sun, Saturn can float, in differentiated bodies denser materials lie near core, density=mass/volume. Auroral happens due to solar winds displaced poleward by magnetic field. Deepest depression= Mare Crisium on moon. Mariner 10- dynamo theory predicted mercury was spinning to slow for magnetic field. Earths structure- thick mantle, surrounded by 2 part crust. Its atmosphere has oxygen that lies right above the surface and a magnetosphere higher up. Its magnetic field indicates large amounts of molten nickel and iron in outer core. The moon lacks a hydrosphere/atmosphere/magnetosphere. Tides occur cause a tidal bulge which is the difference in the moon and earths gravitational force. Spring tides=high tide, neaptide=low tides. Highest and lowest tides occur during new and full moons. Order of atmosphere= troposphere(where life and weather occurs), stratosphere (ozone layer-blocks ultraviolet radiation best), mesosphere, ionosphere. Most abundant gases are nitrogen, oxygen,
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