Sociology Of The City

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Orlando Rosado Sociology 311 April 19, 2012 Midterm What is meant by the concept of multinucleated metropolitan regions and how is it different from urban development of the past? Explain the sociospatial approach to urban Sociology and the links with global capitalism, the real estate industry, government policies, pull factors, the social organization of settlement space and the importance of culture. Compare and contrast the views of Tonnies, Durkheim, Simmel, Wirth, Park, and Burgess on urban Sociology. Which theory do you think best explains views cities Sociologically and why? A multinucleated metropolitan region refers to the developing space patterns typical by sizable local areas and existence of several dedicated gathering places beyond the central business district. The notion of the multinucleated metropolitan region is important when considering the differences in metropolitan special structure and the movement of metropolitan life. The intricate net of communication and transportation highlight the collaborating nature of metropolitan region. The ways by which multinucleated metropolitan cities develop propose that cities are structured into numerous hubs diffused throughout a broad metropolitan area. This differs from the urban development of the past in that cities were characterized by the expanse and development as the center of industry and economy. By design, people followed, gathered and settled around spaces where there was an accumulation of wealth. The rapid increase of population in relatively small areas gave way to what became considered the urban development of the past. The socialspatial approach to urban sociology considers the dual relationship between people and space. People have a tendency to respond social dynamics in relation to gender class, race, age and status effective to and contained by space. For example,
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