sociological standpoints of the spotless mind

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According to Lisa Macintyre’s writings on “Ethics in Research,” when doing sociological research there are various aspects to consider. One, in my opinion being the most important is taking into consideration that you must weigh out the possible consequences of your research. To be more specific Macintyre quotes, “ As far as I am concerned, the only thing is consistently unethical is to not think through the possible consequences of our research” (Mcintyre, Readings.54). I found myself nodding with agreement reading this statement because there are always consequences resulting from social research studies that vary in severity. If these consequences aren’t taken into account innocent subjects may be harmed, bad reputations can be put on yourself or your affiliates, and other various negative results. Moreover something else to be taken into consideration when doing social research is to always get the voluntary consent of your subject without being deceptive about the study. This is extremely important unless the research is unobtrusive in which the method is strictly observations and don’t have any effect on the people studied. I find being truthful about the study upfront being a valid consideration because if you were to being in subjects who feel as though they have been fooled or not told the truth your research study may go awry. In article 4, Men as Success Objects and Women as Sex objects, the research was unobtrusive and really had no possible outcome for negative consequences besides possibly disturbing results. This study was near flawless. When Davis speaks of sex objects and Success objects he’s referring to what men and woman have become in the eyes of the opposite sex (according to research). Woman are said to think of men as success objects because in the study, Davis found that women look first for the men who has the best job, and in turn can

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