Socio Economic Factors Contributing to Spread of Hiv/Aids

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Social/ Cultural/ Economic factors contribute immensely to the increased spread of HIV/AIDS in our communities. Discuss in details this statement stating the various social/cultural/Economic factors and how they contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS. Acquired Immune-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is principally a sexually transmitted disease. Medical scientist agrees that Human Immune-deficiency virus (HIV) cause the syndrome. 80% of HIV positive people in Africa acquired it through sexual intercourse. A socio-ecological assessment is critical in an intervention aimed at such an immense problem. In HIV/AIDS, many different factors at many levels come into play. In some communities in Africa, HIV/AIDS symptoms may be attributed to witchcraft and curses. Because individuals can’t get the facts on the disease, misconceptions about its transmission and prevention can flourish this is linked to lack of factual information. Having multiple sexual partners, sexually transmitted diseases, not using a condom and not circumcising males increases the risk of HIV / AIDS. Individual behavior is largely determined by the social environment, such as community norms and values, regulations, and policies. Stigma and discrimination also influence the spread of HIV/AIDS. Stigma creates barriers to the uptake of interventions to prevent HIV infection, treat it and give support to people living with the disease Issues such as promiscuity, homosexuality and blame tend to prevent people from disclosing their HIV status and seeking care. Prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS may mean people are denied their right to care. Interventions aimed at HIV/AIDS need to consider where there may be prejudice and how stigma-related factors interact at various levels. HIV/AIDS is increasingly concentrated in the poorest and most marginalized societies. Studies have say the risk of contracting

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