Social Work Client Assessment

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This assignment asks for a client assessment during a social worker and client interview. The assessment will include a written report of information that I collected from the client which is in need of assistance in the areas of child abuse, mental health, or substance abuse. The information that is covered in the assessment is on the client’s background and current needs. The final part of the assessment will include the goals that the client’s will need to complete his and his children to resolve their family relationship. As the assigned social worker I will schedule treatment and/or special assistance to help them accomplish their goals. Identifying Data and Source of Information Troy Alexzander is a 39 Native American man who…show more content…
Troy has a loving and supportive family. When Troy sets his mind on his projects he figures out a plan and makes sure the job gets done. Troy is not a quitter. Client’s History The client’s family has a history of alcoholism and imprisonment. Client’s father is an alcoholic that spends most of his time in prison. The client’s father attended Alcohol Anonymous for a year receiving one chip for his sobriety. The stress of the divorce triggered him to start drinking again. The client’s mother is a frequent cocaine user, that spent time away from home leaving Troy with his drunken father. The client lived with his Grandparents while his father finished serving his 5 year sentence for robbery and his mother spent two years in recovery. During the two years the client’s mother relapsed three times. Living in his grandparent’s house was Troy’s three cousins, auntie, and an uncle. The clients auntie, the mother of Troy’s three cousin received child support and food stamps from the government. The clients three cousins were home schooled. The client’s uncle was on probation and as well an alcoholic. The client’s uncle violated his probation by

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