Social Wellness Essay

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“How can my Social Wellness influence my overall fitness?” Joy Carey, ( NASM Elite Trainer) defines fitness in this way, “Fitness can be thought of as a scale in healthiness. The body can be fit to do many different tasks and there are many different avenues to take when trying to reach a fitness goal. Ultimately it is up to the individual to decide which type of fitness goal best suits his/her lifestyle.” Fitness in general can be applied to many aspects of life (physical, emotional, mental, etc) but most commonly is descibes physical well-being. Fitness is the term that we use to describe how well our bodies and minds are adapted to our everyday activities Wellness is a framework that can be used in many ways to help us organize, understand, and balance our own human growth and development. Everything we do, every decision we make, every thought we think, and every attitude and belief we hold fits into this framework made up of seven basic concepts. Social Wellness however is the social dimension that encourages contributing to the common welfare of the community. It emphasizes the coexistence of me, society, and the environment along with the pursuit of harmony in my life. It involves developing friendships, healthy sexual behaviors, and the ability to interact comfortably with others and generally works for harmony in personal and community environments. Lack of Social Wellness and Your Health -Psychological effects are, Impact of loneliness, Biological effects, increased susceptibility to illness and higher cholesterol levels. Wellness is a direction in which by its nature, moves us toward a more proactive, responsible and healthier existence. The integration of the body, mind, and spirit. The loving acceptance of ourselves today and the exciting free search for which we choose to become tomorrow. Choice living; a compilation of the
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