Social Reform In Health Care

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Abstract Health care is one of the most rapid by changing fields of social work. It brings social workers into some of the most emotional and sensitive experiences of human lives, life saving surgeries, births, and deaths. Social workers need to sharpen their skill of social work in there very challenging areas. Advocacy: Health Care Reform The health care social worker is the vital connection between the patient, the health care facility, and the community and its resources. Social workers are supposed to analyze and critique policy. They also supposed to analyze and critique how to affect the creation of policies and programs. Knowledge of the community means more than a mere listing of community resources. Truly understanding the…show more content…
Medicaid policies did not lead to substantially reduced health insurance coverage among immigrants, because the loss in public coverage was offset by substantial increases in private insurance coverage (Mizrah, 1993). Medicaid expansions led to increases in overall coverage, with small changes in private coverage. The results in these studies inform our analysis in two ways. First, while the focus of my analysis is the largely unexplored area of health status and health care utilization, we begin by analyzing the impacts of reform on health insurance coverage. Second, our models include controls for these and other changes to state Medicaid and non-Medicaid public health insurance programs. There are likely many pathways through which welfare reform can affect health. First, as I implied above, welfare reform may lead to a decline in Medicaid coverage. This is consistent with the observation that families leaving the welfare rolls also stop receiving Medicaid and Food Stamps even when they remain eligible for these programs. This loss in public coverage may be offset by increased private coverage either due to increases in mother's employment or coverage from another family member. These changes in insurance may subsequently impact health care utilization and health outcomes. Second, welfare reform may impact families' economic resources. These changes in families'…show more content…
The elderly group is the group that I would wish to advocate on. The elderly are more likely than younger groups to be afflicted with multiple health problems, thus creating a synergistic effect in increasing their degree of emotional despair. This problem is particularly acute in nursing home settings, which have increasingly become the dumping ground for our mentally ill elderly. The degree of mental illness coupled with the virtual absence of significant mental health treatment in nursing homes represents one of the most neglected problems in the field of mental health services in this country. One point that I wish to advocate are that the elderly should be carefully watched so that they will take their medication correctly and on time. I chose this because some elderly people are stubborn and really don’t think that they need help. The other point I wish to advocate is that the elderly should be assisted at home for the care that they receive in the hospital. Most elderly people live their independence. Sometimes the hospital depresses them. My great grandmother was in the hospital getting care and since she was in the hospital she nearly gave up on life, because the hospital is such a depressing place. My grandmother somehow got her to come home for the same treatment that she had in the hospital and my great grandmother was nursed back to good health in no

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