Vulnerable Population in Current Events

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Vulnerable Populations in Current Events
The article titled “An in-home geriatric programme for vulnerable community-dwelling older people improves the detection of dementia in primary care,” was chosen because it deals with a very sensitive vulnerable population: older people suffering from dementia.
The most common issue with dementia is that it grows undetected at the beginning, and people and relatives believe that forgetting things is just a sign of aging; however, not all older people suffer from that devastating disease, which to date, has not found any real solution. In the article chosen there is a concern of detecting early signs of dementia at a primary health care level. Early detection of dementia enables the use of the related services at an early stage. It also allows the patient and caregiver the possibility to organize their lives better in face of the progressive mental decline. It also contributes to prevent patients from delays in their admissions to in-home nursing facilities.
The study reveals, on the one hand, a strange behavior on the part of general practitioners (GPs) who are not inclined to register early signs of dementia in their patients. On the other hand, the article shows that despite the improvement observed in dealing with dementia, early detection is not a widespread practice in primary care.

Definitions of vulnerable population

According to the Northern Arizona University (2001), the vulnerable population is a segment of the general population who is more likely to develop health problems or other kind of problems as a result of exposure to risk.

Vulnerable populations may include poor and homeless, people in prisons, migrant workers, severely mentally ill, persons with HIV or with communicable diseases, substance abusers, victims of natural disasters, pregnant adolescents,
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