Social Impact Statement for WORMS

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Social Impact Statement for WORMS 1. Introduction This document contains the social impact statement for the WORMS system. 2. Acknowledge Concerns and Potential Barriers Identifying the concerns and potential barriers that may become an issue in the design or implementation stage of the systems development process, will ensure that the organisation will be able to manage and solve them. To manage potential problems and barriers it is essential that they are discussed honestly and that all stakeholders have a say. 2.1 Anticipate changes in job functions and potential layoffs Staff will need to be trained in using the new systems. Job roles will need to be redefined if necessary, although the roles will try to be kept similar if not the same. Training will be decided after assessment by line managers, current employees will fulfil roles best suited to their skills and qualifications. 2.2 Addressing security and privacy issues Databases that contain information about stakeholders will be kept on a need to know basis, on a separate server with data encryption facilities. Data on access will be kept purely for security reasons to log possible cases of misuse and unauthorised access. Access will also be logged if a new entry is created, edited or deleted. All login data will only be accessible by staff that have a high level of security clearance. General data pertaining information on logins will only hold aggregate statistics such as the number of logins in a day and the number of failed logins. An employee database will be created logging all necessary information which will be kept separate from other databases. The reason for this is that employee information is not required for operations to run efficiently therefore it will not be linked. Data collected on paper from stakeholders such as data collected from surveys for market stall holders, will be

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