Social Construction of Disabilty

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Social construction of disability Disability Disability refers to a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effects on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Impairment- Impairment is some abnormal functioning of the body or mind, either one is born with or that rises from injury or disease. IMPAIRMENT IS NOT THE SAME AS DISABILITY. Sociologist- Shakespeare (1998) suggests that disability should be seen as a social construction- a problem created by the attitudes of society and not by the states of our bodies. Shakespeare argues that disability is created by societies that do not take into account the needs of those who do not meet with that society’s ideas of what is considered “normal” A02- places of work are required to take into account the needs of people that are impaired or have a disability. For example people that are in wheelchairs must have access to wheelchair ramps and access to lifts. Shakespeare also argues that people become disabled, not because they have physical or mental impairments, but because they have physical or mental differences from the majority, which challenge traditional ideas of what counts as “normal”. Impairment only becomes a disability when society creates it through physical and social barriers. Also, impediments imposed by society are as great as those imposed by the physical impairment. Disability is caused by social barriers (people's attitudes) and environmental barriers (physical things such as stairs). Can be treated or made better by changing social environment and society, reducing stigma and change opinions. There were about 10 million people(excluding children) in Britain covered by the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) definition of disability in 2002-2003 This defines disability as a long term health problem or disability that
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