Social Care 303

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L3 HSC Technical Certificate unit worksheet Unit 303 - Principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in adult social care settings 1. Explain what is meant by? Diversity Is encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Equality Is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Inclusion Is about involving everyone in society, making sure all have opportunities to work or take part in social activities even though they may have a disability. E.g. Mental health problems. Discrimination Is treatment of individuals or groups based on arbitrary inscriptive or acquired criteria such as sex, race, religion, age, marital or parental status, disability, sexual orientation, political opinions, socio-economic background, and trade union membership and activities. 2. Describe the potential effects of discrimination? The potential effects of discrimination can be different for different people. The effects can be physical, emotional or a combination of both. For example children with disabilities may not be given a chance to join in with activities due to others thinking that their disability prevents them from being able to do so. This will make the child feel
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