Small Knivings Law Research Paper

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Controversial Reversal of Small Knives Law by Transportation Security Administration Comm/215 4/9/2013 tom Brown Controversial Reversal of Small Knives Law by Transportation Security Administration The fact that Transportation Security Administration is even considering lifting the ban placed on all knives onboard commercial flights is remarkable. The United States of America hasn’t been a target for terrorist acts by way of commercial aircraft since TSA has imposed the restrictions that are currently in place. Lifting these restrictions that are intact will possibly invite terrorist to strike again. On September 11, 2001 a group of terrorist took control of a commercial aircraft headed for San Francisco International Airport. The culprits were allegedly four members of Al-Qaeda a well-known terrorist faction. These men commandeered the plane merely with use of small box cutters and razor blades. Subsequently a few brave passengers made an attempt to regain control of the aircraft. Apparently as a result of the struggle the plane soon after crashed in Stoneycreek Township, Pennsylvania killing all fourty four people onboard including the attackers. This flight was only one of four…show more content…
The rule being imposed has been beneficial there is no need to get away from what has been working. As the saying goes” if it aint broke don’t fix it” the logic remains the same in regards to the small knives law. There needs to be more focus placed on lifting some of the other items that are currently banned that pose less of a conventional threat amongst passengers. Pepper spray is an item that shouldn’t be banned and would give passengers a little feeling of security without endangering multiple passengers. If TSA took a pole to actually survey what passengers feel should be acceptable carryon luggage they would have a better understanding of what & how to go about making necessary changes or

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