Slaughterhouse-Five Chapter Summary

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Slaughterhouse-Five tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, a man who has come "unstuck in time." At any point in his life, he may find himself sud­denly at another point in his past or future. Billy's experiences as an American prisoner of war in Ger­many during World War II are told in more or less chronological order, but these events are continu­ally interrupted by Billy's travels to various other times in his life. At several points in the novel, including the whole of Chapter One, Vonnegut addresses the reader directly. In the opening chapter, the author mentions his own real-life experiences as a pris­oner of war-in particular, his witnessing of the Allied firebombing of the German City of Dres­den-and discusses the difficulties he had…show more content…
After being processed into the camp, the Americans are en­thusiastically greeted by the British prisoners, who have been in the camp for over four years. While the Americans are in terrible shape physi­cally and emotionally, the British have kept them selves in excellent condition. Appalled at the sorry state of the Americans, the British offer them food and clothing, and even entertain them with a play of Cinderella. The Americans are made sick by the rich food. Billy, who is in even worse shape than many of the others, falls into an hysterical fit during the play and has to be restrained and tranquilized. He is taken to the prison hospital, where he meets Paul Lazzaro, who had befriended Roland Weary on the prison train and promised Weary that he would one day kill Billy as an ac of revenge. The American prisoners are transferred to the German city of Dresden, an "open city" with no strategic value that is supposed to be safe from at tack. They are housed in an abandoned slaughter house-Slaughterhouse-Five. At one point they are visited by Howard W. Campbell, Jr., an American who has gone over to the Nazis. When Campbel tries to talk the prisoners into switching sides, h is roundly condemned by Edgar Derby, a forty four-year-old schoolteacher who has nursed Billy in the prison hospital and who is by now the unofficial leader of the American

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