Slaughter House V Essay

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Everyone Loves a Barbecue 1939 through 1945 is a time period no one is soon to forget. The Dresden bombing was one of, if not the most saddening event that had happened in WWII. Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse Five is a true rendition about the terrifying events that occurred during the dresden firebombing. This is a book about not giving up hope, endurance, and life struggles. As is a similar story, of Camp Heartwell. Both being about German labor camp prisoners. Chaplain's Assistant Billy Pilgrim is a disoriented, fatalistic, and ill-trained American soldier who refuses to fight. He does not like war and is captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. When captured, the Germans confiscate everything Weary has, including his boots, giving him hinged, wooden clogs to wear. Billy and the other prisoners are transported to Luxembourg. By 1945, the prisoners are transported to Dresden to perform "contract labor". The Germans put Billy and his fellow prisoners in a disused slaughterhouse in Dresden. Their building is known as Slaughterhouse Five. During the bombing, the prisoners of war and German guards hide in a deep cellar. Because of their hiding place, they are some of the few survivors of the firestorm caused by allied bombing between 13 and 15 February 1945. After the war in May 1945 he is transported from Germany to the United States, receiving an honorable discharge from service in July 1945. This is why not giving up hope is an important theme in this book, as well as camp heartwell where they are forced to do hard labor and testing. Its all about hope. “How nice -- to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.” Refers to having no cognitive ability of feeling emotion, or being completely blank with depression. This made me think of a theme that occurs in both Camp Heartwell and Slaughterhouse Five, the word

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